In this week’s release of Fedora Atomic Host we have a new kernel, Atomic CLI, and runc.
A new Fedora Atomic Host update is available via an OSTree update:
Version: 27.81
- Commit(x86_64): b25bde0109441817f912ece57ca1fc39efc60e6cef4a7a23ad9de51b1f36b742
- Commit(aarch64): bb5bc5afbf27333a70c1f3bf8d0117baa45e862e0440be5c779cd5f0bb35aab4
- Commit(ppc64le): e484af3c5a5c88c0de486eee195dff4c6c7ef41d07c41b5d356305db237066d7
We are releasing images from multiple architectures but please note that x86_64 architecture is the only one that undergoes automated testing at this time.
Existing systems can be upgraded in place via e.g. atomic host upgrade
atomic host deploy