The easiest way to get started with Kubernetes is to start using the Vagrant Box provided under ADB (Atomic Developer Bundle). All you need to do to get started is have Vagrant installed and Vagrantfile, which configures the Kubernetes on the Vagrant box.

Make sure you have basic setup ready. For that follow these installation instructions.

Now all you need to do is clone the repository that has Vagrantfile and start the Vagrantbox:

$ git clone
$ cd adb-atomic-developer-bundle/components/centos/centos-k8s-singlenode-setup/
$ vagrant up --provider libvirt

You can also choose provider as virtualbox with the command vagrant up --provider virtualbox

This will start the box. But, if the box is not available, then Vagrant will download it for you. Once the box is up and running, ssh into the box and you will have a running Kubernetes all-in-one cluster. This cluster is set up as a Kubernetes Master and Kubernetes Node running on the same host.

vagrant ssh

When you are in the machine, try using Kubernetes with kubectl commands. If you are already familiar with Kubernetes, you can skip the following steps and test if the cluster has everything you need. For someone new to Kubernetes, keep following along here.

To test to see if Kubernetes is working, let’s create a pod. For that create a file named pod.json with the following data:

$ cat pod.json
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "kind": "Pod",
    "metadata": {
        "labels": {
            "app": "apache-centos7"
        "name": "apache-centos7"
    "spec": {
        "containers": [
                "image": "centos/httpd",
                "name": "apache-centos7",
                "ports": [
                        "containerPort": 80,
                        "hostPort": 80,
                        "protocol": "TCP"

To create a pod running on Kubernetes out of this file, use

kubectl create -f pod.json

See if the pod is running by entering

kubectl get pods

You may see a pod named apache-centos7 there, but the STATUS might be Pending so wait for a while and keep checking the output. Once it’s changed to Running we can test if its running, but first we will need the IP address of the pod. To get the IP:

kubectl describe pod apache-centos7 | grep 'IP:'

Note the IP and curl on it


Unless you get any errors, the pod is running, which also signifies Kubernetes cluster is running. Now you can explore more options in Kubernetes on your own.