This is a major release of Atomic App where we introduce a new CLI command as well as the renaming of multiple provider configuration parameters.

The main features of this release are:

  • Introduction of the atomicapp init CLI command
  • Renaming of provider configuration related parameters
  • –provider-auth added as a CLI command


  • Updated legal information
  • Bug fix on persistent storage initialization
  • Utility method to gather sudo user path and information
  • Improved detection if we’re inside a Docker container
  • Improved readability on provider failed exceptions
  • docker inspect bugfix

Atomic App Initialization

We’ve included support for initializing a basic Atomic App via the atomicapp init command. This creates a basic example that can be used on Docker and Kubernetes providers based on the centos/httpd docker image.

▶ atomicapp init helloworld
[INFO] - - Action/Mode Selected is: init

Atomic App: helloworld initialized at ./helloworld

▶ vim ./helloworld/Nulecule # Make changes to the Nulecule file

▶ atomicapp run ./helloworld
[INFO] - - Action/Mode Selected is: run
[INFO] - - Provider not specified, using default provider - kubernetes
[WARNING] - - Configuration option 'provider-config' not found
[WARNING] - - Configuration option 'provider-config' not found
[INFO] - - Using namespace default
[INFO] - - trying kubectl at /usr/bin/kubectl
[INFO] - - trying kubectl at /usr/local/bin/kubectl
[INFO] - - found kubectl at /usr/local/bin/kubectl
[INFO] - - Deploying to Kubernetes

Your application resides in ./helloworld
Please use this directory for managing your application

New Provider Configuration Parameter Names

We’ve renamed the provider-specific parameters for better clarity by adding dashes in-between ‘provider’ and the specified function.

Major changes include the renaming of accesstoken to provider-auth.

providerapi --> provider-api
accesstoken --> provider-auth
providertlsverify --> provider-tlsverify
providercafile --> provider-cafile
provider = openshift
namespace = mynamespace
provider-api =
provider-auth = sadfasdfasfasfdasfasfasdfsafasfd
provider-tlsverify = True
provider-cafile = /etc/myca/ca.pem
atomicapp run projectatomic/etherpad-centos7-atomicapp --provider openshift --provider-tlsverify False --provider-auth foo --provider-api "https://localhost:8443"

Want to get started using Atomic App? Have a look at our extensive start guide, or use Atomic App as part of the Atomic CLI on an Atomic Host.

For a full list of changes between 0.4.5 and 0.4.5 please see the commit log.